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Southern Caramel Cake with Popcorn Topping

Southern Caramel Cake with Popcorn Topping

Even if you have never had this cake, we’re betting the idea of a southern caramel cake with popcorn topping sounds good to you. But what, exactly, is a southern caramel cake? This old-world inspired classic combines layers of tangy, buttermilk yellow cake with a cooked caramel frosting. And while there are a number of steps to making and assembling it, none are very difficult. In addition, because the caramel is basically poured over, it makes it one of the easier cakes to frost.

Most people stop there but, if we can add a popcorn crunch, we always do. We love the texture of the popcorn against the soft creaminess of the cake. And with so much sweetness, a little sprinkle of our sweet and salty caramel seasoning is always welcome.

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